ALIVE-Stream October 21, 2021, Ephesians Study- Ephesians Part 1
“What Means A Changeless Christ?”
This Sermon was preached at Otis Baptists Church on June 03, 2012 by the late Rev. Clifford L. Cain. It was his last sermon before going on to Glory with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. When I preached the first service after my dad’s passing I found this in his paper waste basket by the pulpit. I took what he had and adapted it at the end. I do not know if he is the author or not, but in any event the Holy Spirit is the author of all that is True and Biblical, and as such we can take no credit for any of it. JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, and FOREVER!
ALIVE-Stream May 21, 2021 Jeremiah Part 14
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ALIVE-Stream April 26, 2021 Jeremiah Part 3
ALIVE-Stream April 13, 2021 Galatians Part 12
ALIVE-Stream April 06, 2021 Galatians Part 8
ALIVE-Stream April 05, 2021 Galatians Part 7
A Snowstorm Sermon
To Change Minds We Must Change Hearts
Article written by Rev. Christopher B. Cain and originally published in Wisconsin Christian News in May 2020 edition of the paper.
A Note From the Author: While this article was written last year, the fundamental truth within is a timely message for these uncertain times. While we face political chaos and uncertainty coupled with an increasing barrage of false doctrines and bombardment in the cultural war, we must remember who sits on the throne. God is still in control, He never loses His POWER or. His Soveriegnty! Truth is timeless, and Biblical Truth is the answer to our current problems. There will always be uncertainty in this world, along with disagreement and discouragemt, but the answer remains unchanging- we must preach the WORD. We are called, equipped and commissioned for this battle. We are not randomly or accidentally scattered throughout history by chance…we are placed right where we are FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! To combat FAKE NEWS and FALSE GOSPEL we must change hearts. It is my hope that this article refreshes your perspective on our current situation, and that it challenges you to live and walk in the calling we are all called to. Let CHRIST empower you today, SURRENDER to JESUS. May God richly bless you in Christ Jesus. May you enjoy the following article!
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:19-20 ESV)
I am going to take a pause from my series on “What I learned in the Dominican Republic” which have run the past two editions. I feel that the situation we find ourselves in merits that I address some of what is going on. I do not believe there is any situation we could possibly find ourselves in that cannot be addressed and solved by Scripture, and the proper application thereof. As believers, we have one calling, or commission, that is given in two parts. We may know it as the Great Commission. I believe that the Great Commission is the answer to the present situation we find ourselves in.
We can see more clearly each passing day that there is a corrupt cabal pulling the strings of the people we view as our elected representatives. These representatives are our servants, yet they have forgotten that and even have openly rebelled against us by attempting to legislate us into servitude ourselves. They have not only tried to do so through legislation, but through unconstitutional orders and edicts which violate our rights protected in the constitution. Worse than that, they have polluted our justice system with unholy and ungodly individuals who seek not to judge according to the law but to legislate from the bench, a power which is reserved not for the judicial branch but the legislative. They have even infiltrated the free press and corrupted it to such a degree that even Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels would be envious.
We ourselves have allowed such behavior to go largely unchecked for far too long. America’s greed and corruption is a direct result of our lawless behavior and idol worship. You may not think we have succumbed to bowing down to Moloch or some other idol, but we absolutely have. Every time a child is sacrificed in the name of women’s health, that is a sacrifice to Moloch. Every time we go to a sporting event, movie, or concert when we should be in the house of the Lord that is idolatry. There is no other way around it, if you put more time, money, and energy into something like sports, music, or entertainment than you do in worshiping the Almighty God, you are guilty of idol worship, plain and simple. Idol worship simply defined is anything that comes before, or takes the place of, God in our lives. We have forsaken God in the name of comfort, convenience, and individual liberty. Why then are we surprised to see that our elected representatives are openly rebelling against their constitutionally appointed bosses, we the people? As a nation we asked for what we are seeing now, and I do not mean coronavirus, I mean the usurping of freedoms and rights which God gives, and only God can take away. Coronavirus is just the excuse they are using to take their Satanic one world government out for a test drive.
We serve a sovereign God, who contrary to the false teaching of some, is still in control. God allows free will, and He has allowed this to befall us because we as a nation forsook Him. Sometimes you can softly call someone to wake up, other times you have to shake them to wake them. I believe God allowed the doors of the churches to close because we disobeyed and distorted the Word of God to such a point we need to have a complete house cleaning. Jesus said, “No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a lampstand, that those who come in may see the light.” (Luke 11:33) For far too long we have been a lit candle hidden under a basket called church. We are the church, and we must no longer hunker in a bunker afraid of the enemy but we must storm the gates of hell. We have the solution right in the Great Commison, it is time to uncouple ungodly manmade theology and do what Christ said. We must go into all the world, preaching and teaching the Gospel and to make disciples of Christ. If we truly want to awaken people, to change their minds, we have to first change their hearts. We do that by the preaching of the Gospel, in season and out of season. The preaching of the Gospel is always the answer, it exposes the darkness and delivers us from it by the power of Christ.