Thought of the Day 2/8/2020

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews‬ ‭4:12‬ ‭(ESV‬‬)

Theologian Charles Ellicott once wrote concerning this passage that: “the Spirit of God is never absent from His word.” The Word of God, the Holy inspired writings left to us in the Bible, deliver to us God’s great and perfect plan for all of mankind. When we follow His Word we are in step and in close communion with Him. When we are not in His Word or being disobedient (either unknowingly or deliberately) to it, beware that it will call us out. His Word, which is “living and active” will stand before us to accuse us on Judgement Day. This is why it has been described as “sharper than any two-edged sword”; the truth within the Word of God cuts straight to the “heart” or the soul of man — and, Lord willing, will lead to conviction and repentance. There is no greater mirror for the soul than the Word of God which sets forth His Holy and righteous standards. I would challenge you to open up the Word and see what state your soul is in; there is no time like the present to make sure all is right between you and God!

Jessica Ford
Communications Director
Alive Ministries USA

Thought of the Day 3/25/2020

When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.” Psalms‬ ‭94:19‬ ‭(ESV‬‬)

In these difficult days you would be hard pressed to find a person without cares of the heart that are “many”. The question now becomes what to do with these cares, these worries, the stress and anxiety that is oftentimes overwhelming. The world and society will offer many options but even if you try every single one of them, I guarantee you that you will not find one that is lasting; they are all temporary, just a bandaid over a gaping wound. However, God offers consolation that will wipe away every care completely. Not for the hour or the day, but forever. Just how does God offer this consolation? Through His Holy Word, the Bible, and the many promises contained within. He also pours out His love and peace upon those who call upon His name and sends the Holy Spirit to indwell the hearts of those who have been born again through the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ His Son. Imagine, even with all the scary news reports of death tolls, infection rates, stock crashes, food shortages, job losses, and other cares we are facing today, you can still have complete peace and consolation! Just turn to the One who formed you in your mother’s womb and who loves you in ways unfathomable to the human mind.

Jessica Ford
Communications Director
ALIVE Ministries USA

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