Thought of the Day 1/1/2020

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah‬ ‭43:19‬ ‭(ESV‬‬)

Here it is: January 1st of a new year and the often used verse for “New Year’s”. What exactly is this “new thing” the prophet Isaiah speaks of here? God was giving His people a promise through Isaiah that they would be delivered from their captivity in Babylon. Greater than this, though, is that He was also declaring what He would do in the future for all mankind. God was telling His people that He would send a “way” — a way back to Him, to reconcile a right relationship between the lost sinner and God. This “way” is none other than Jesus Christ. As you start this new year off, set down the list of resolutions you wrote that you probably will forget about by next week and ask yourself this: Am I right with God? When I take my last breath, what happens to me next? If you cannot be sure of the answers to those questions, please reach out to us so we can help show you from God’s Word how you can be sure.

All of us at Alive Ministries USA want to wish you a happy and healthy 2020!

Jessica Ford
Communications Director
Alive Ministries USA

Thought of the Day 1/1/2021

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:17‬ (‭ESV‬‬)

What a beautiful verse to start off a new year! With everything that had you weighed down over the past year, let Paul’s words to the Church in Corinth be your anthem today. If you are in Christ — that is, have accepted His free gift of salvation, and entered into a relationship with Jesus and followed Him into the baptism of water symbolic of His death, burial, and resurrection — you have been made new. A clean slate, just like today as we begin a new year. When you become a new creation in Christ through true repentance of your sins and faith in Him as the Son of God, you will begin to see the “old things” passing away. The closer you walk with Him in this coming year, the further from the old creation and sinful nature you will be removed. I pray you have made this decision already and are boldly proclaiming to live this year out as a new creation in Christ Jesus. If not, I urge you to reach out to us so we can show you why it is so important not to wait, and how you can easily make that decision today!

Jessica Ford

Communications Director

Alive Ministries USA

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