This Sermon was preached at Otis Baptists Church on June 03, 2012 by the late Rev. Clifford L. Cain. It was his last sermon before going on to Glory with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. When I preached the first service after my dad’s passing I found this in his paper waste basket by the pulpit. I took what he had and adapted it at the end. I do not know if he is the author or not, but in any event the Holy Spirit is the author of all that is True and Biblical, and as such we can take no credit for any of it. JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, and FOREVER!
Thought of the Day 1/3/2020
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25 (ESV)
Make sure when reading that first verse you do not read it like this: “And let us consider how to stir up one another”. I’m afraid far too often that is as far as most of us, professed followers of Christ or not, get. We tend to be “pot stirrers” instead of “people stirrers”, encouraging and uplifting each other in Jesus’ name. The next verse reminds us of the importance of gathering together with like-minded followers of Christ (going to church, joining a Bible Study group) so that we are better equipped with the Word of God in order to be “people stirrers” who can in turn lift each other up and be an encouragement to one another. In today’s society and world, there are so many things that point to that “Day” being near that it is ever more important to assemble together and be “people stirrers” and not “pot stirrers” so that the children of God may be fully equipped to withstand the spiritual battles now and those that are surely to come. What kind of a “stirrer” are you?
Jessica Ford
Communications Director
Alive Ministries USA