It is not to late to join in our study on the book of Jeremiah, find all our past and current episodes right here in this playlist. Blessings in Christ from all of us here at Alive Ministries USA!

“What Means A Changeless Christ?”

This Sermon was preached at Otis Baptists Church on June 03, 2012 by the late Rev. Clifford L. Cain. It was his last sermon before going on to Glory with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. When I preached the first service after my dad’s passing I found this in his paper waste basket by the pulpit. I took what he had and adapted it at the end. I do not know if he is the author or not, but in any event the Holy Spirit is the author of all that is True and Biblical, and as such we can take no credit for any of it. JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, and FOREVER!

“A Prophet Like Moses Part 2 of 2” Sermon at the Molinito Bateye in the Dominican Republic

Full Sermon Text can be found here on the ALIVE Ministries USA Website at the following link:

This sermon was filmed in February of 2020 on our Short Term Missions Trip to the Dominican Republic. Filmed by Elizabeth J. Cain. The Generator is loud but it is worth the watch! Please pray for the Haitian Refugees living and working at the Molinito Bateye in the Dominican Republic and those who minister to them, both Dominican and Haitian alike. Blessings in Christ!

“A Prophet Like Moses Part 1 of 2” Sermon at the Molinito Bateye in the Dominican Republic

This sermon was filmed in February of 2020 on our Short Term Missions Trip to the Dominican Republic. Filmed by Elizabeth J. Cain. Sermon Begins about 5:00 minutes in. The Generator is loud but it is worth the watch! Please pray for the Haitian Refugees living and working at the Molinito Bateye in the Dominican Republic and those who minister to them, both Dominican and Haitian alike. Blessings in Christ

Full Sermon Text can be found here on the ALIVE Ministries USA Website at the following link: