Dedicated to the Lord

I hope you enjoy this, its just a rough take. I wrote this as an instrumental for the Lord Jesus Christ, hence the Title: Dedicated to the Lord.

Dedicated to the Lord, Written and Performed by Rev. Christopher B. Cain

3/12/21 ALIVE-Stream

There will not be an ALIVE-Stream this evening. Have a safe and blessed weekend! Feel free to reach out for prayer anytime!

An Encouraging & Refreshing Testimony

I am not in the habit of sharing things on the ministry website that do not directly pertain to, or are not derived from, Alive Ministries USA. However, occasionally we make an exception when it is something that we feel will bring edification to the brethren. I watched this video I found on YouTube and was very encouraged, but also humbled. It is encouraging to see people who overcome their own difficult situations, but made even more so by a believer who gives the glory to God. It is humbling because it made me realize, as I am sure it will for you, that we do not have it as bad as we might think. We should all be so courageous and bold as to recognize that God does not make mistakes. I have often shared that we are not randomly scattered throughout history. God has placed us RIGHT WHERE WE ARE FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!!! May God be glorified in all we do, and in the life of this precious daughter of the King. Jesus is Lord!

ALIVE-Stream February 25, 2021

Each Weeknight at 8:00 P.M. EST, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, we take Live #PrayerRequests​ and share #Scripture​. We are currently in a study of the #Revelation​. Tonight we will be in #Revelation​ Chapter 22 beginning at verse 1. We encourage you to reach out, we would love the chance to pray for you. #JesusisLord#PowerofPrayer#EveryKneeShallBow#EveryTongueShallConfess#AliveMinistriesUSA#ALIVEStream

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