“But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”” Matthew 4:4 (ESV)
Jesus here quotes the scripture from Deuteronomy 8:3. The scripture Jesus quotes is telling the Israelites that God is able to sustain His people by any means, not simply only by an ordinary earthly source which at the time was bread. If our lives are fully surrendered to God with our trust in Him, He will provide for us and sustain us even by the very word of His mouth. For the believer this should not be that hard to imagine considering the words of His mouth spoke into existence all that is in creation — including you and I! Do you trust God for all of your daily needs?
“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” 1 John 2:15 (ESV)
We are told here that if we love the world, God’s love is not in us. What exactly is that saying to us? If our eyes and hearts are only longing after what the world can offer us — by means of material gains, wealth, power, prestige, or even simply by conforming with the ideologies of those “of the world” who have no insight or care for the life that follows this one — then we will not have our focus on God, as is the intent in the relationship between God and His created mankind. If we truly loved God the way we are designed and called to, we would not look to the carnal, or temporary, things to satisfy us; rather, we would look toward the spiritual matters of living our lives as Jesus gave us example and by following the will of God in our own lives. So I implore you now to look inwardly at yourself and ask this question: “Am I living for this world or for the One who created it?”
Jessica Ford Communications Director ALIVE Ministries USA
Contact us by messaging us using the Facebook page ‘send message’ button, at aliveministriesusa@gmail.com, on Twitter (@alive_usa) or on Instagram (@aliveministriesusa).
“My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalms 121:2 (ESV)
When you are in need, where do you turn? A close friend? A family member? Perhaps something to numb the pain — drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex (or seeking relationships in general). Those may make you temporarily feel better, but they cannot help in the same way our Lord and Creator God can help us. See the next verse of this Psalm: “He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.” (Psalms 121:3) God is faithfully waiting for you to seek Him out in the good times and in the bad times. He is always there, you need only to turn to Him and trust that He will provide for you. So do you have that faith and trust that He can solve your need and provide and any situation? I pray you do.
Jessica Ford Communications Director ALIVE Ministries USA
Contact us by messaging us using the Facebook page ‘send message’ button, at aliveministriesusa@gmail.com, on Twitter (@alive_usa) or on Instagram (@aliveministriesusa).
“”Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5 (ESV)
What first comes to mind when you hear the word “meek”? Chances are words like “no backbone”, “submissive”, or something along those lines. However, what Jesus is preaching here about meekness is a person who has a gentle and kind spirit. Someone who is quick to forgive, does not hold a grudge, and does not repay evil for evil. It will be those who are long suffering and of a courteous disposition that will “inherit the earth”. This means that although they will still face trials and suffering in their lives, they will face it with that same quiet spirit and as a reward will be blessed by God. Do you possess these qualities? If not, pray today that God would help you to allow them to take root and begin to water these in you.
Jessica Ford Communications Director ALIVE Ministries USA
Contact us by messaging us using the Facebook page ‘send message’ button, at aliveministriesusa@gmail.com, on Twitter (@alive_usa) or on Instagram (@aliveministriesusa).
“When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.” Psalms 94:19 (ESV)
In these difficult days you would be hard pressed to find a person without cares of the heart that are “many”. The question now becomes what to do with these cares, these worries, the stress and anxiety that is oftentimes overwhelming. The world and society will offer many options but even if you try every single one of them, I guarantee you that you will not find one that is lasting; they are all temporary, just a bandaid over a gaping wound. However, God offers consolation that will wipe away every care completely. Not for the hour or the day, but forever. Just how does God offer this consolation? Through His Holy Word, the Bible, and the many promises contained within. He also pours out His love and peace upon those who call upon His name and sends the Holy Spirit to indwell the hearts of those who have been born again through the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ His Son. Imagine, even with all the scary news reports of death tolls, infection rates, stock crashes, food shortages, job losses, and other cares we are facing today, you can still have complete peace and consolation! Just turn to the One who formed you in your mother’s womb and who loves you in ways unfathomable to the human mind.
Jessica Ford Communications Director ALIVE Ministries USA
Contact us by messaging us using the Facebook page ‘send message’ button, at aliveministriesusa@gmail.com, on Twitter (@alive_usa) or on Instagram (@aliveministriesusa).
“Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”” Isaiah 40:4-5 (ESV)
Isaiah writes here of multiple coming prophecies. The first, and most immediate on the mind of the nation of Israel, was that of the return of Israel from its captivity in Babylon. God would prepare the way for His chosen people to return to the Promised Land. Isaiah also writes of a coming time, hundreds of years in the making, when John the Baptist would be preparing the hearts of minds of the Israelites for the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. In both instances the glory of God was revealed in returning His people to the land promised to them and their forefathers, as well as in the deliverance of the promised Messiah to bring them salvation. The prophecy does not necessarily end there, though. Since God’s Word is living it continues to give us instruction today. What does this passage mean for those of us who belong to the Church today? Though we may be facing trials and tribulations in life right now, particularly during this worldwide pandemic, there is coming a deliverance for those whose trust is in Christ Jesus, God’s Son. He is coming again to gather His people to Him before enacting the final judgement upon earth. The humble in Christ will be exalted and those who unjustly exalted themselves will be brought low and all will come before the throne of judgement. Humble yourself today before the Lord and make right your heart with God so that you can rest assured of the outcome on that day of judgement!
Jessica Ford Communications Director ALIVE Ministries USA
Contact us by messaging us using the Facebook page ‘send message’ button, at aliveministriesusa@gmail.com, on Twitter (@alive_usa) or on Instagram (@aliveministriesusa).
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” Deuteronomy 6:5 (ESV)
This verse comes from the first of three paragraphs of the Shema, a Jewish prayer said daily. Moses commanded the Israelites nation to recite the Shema as a means of reminding themselves of their responsibilities as followers of God to keep Him in the forefront of all that they do, say, and think each and every day. While we may not be under that Mosaic commandment to recite the Shema, it is still of great importance for us to be memorizing and reciting scripture to ensure that we have “hidden Thy word in my heart that I might not sin against Thee” (Psalm 119:11). When you spend time each day, hopefully many times throughout the day, in prayer and mediation on God’s Word, you are more likely to live your life in such a manner as to follow His will and to be able to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might”. How well are you loving God today? Will you take a few quiet moments with Him right now?
Jessica Ford Communications Director ALIVE Ministries USA
Contact us by messaging us using the Facebook page ‘send message’ button, at aliveministriesusa@gmail.com, on Twitter (@alive_usa) or on Instagram (@aliveministriesusa).
“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3 (ESV)
The word commit here, when translated from the original Hebrew, means to “roll unto the Lord”. We are called to seek God’s divine assistance with all of our burdens — physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, and so on. God desires to be our rock and our strong tower no matter what circumstance we are facing. When we commit our burdens to the Lord our “plans will be established” — or will prosper — because we will have aligned our thoughts with God’s will. Today we may be experiencing more burdens than usual due to the worldwide health and financial crisis caused by the coronavirus. Now, more than ever, we need to put our trust in God and God alone to help us carry those burdens. Fellow mankind, governments, and even charities can only offer mild support or temporary relief at best, whereas God can take away your anxiety and carry your burdens for you as He bestows His peace which surpasses all understanding. Have you trusted Him as your God? Have you given Him your burdens?
Jessica Ford Communications Director ALIVE Ministries USA
Contact us by messaging us using the Facebook page ‘send message’ button, at aliveministriesusa@gmail.com, on Twitter (@alive_usa) or on Instagram (@aliveministriesusa).
“The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.” (Psalms 34:18 KJV)
If you have a broken heart today, be of good courage because God draws near to the brokenhearted! The good news is that even if you are broken today, you do not have to stay that way. God wants to see deliverance in your life, not just from brokenness and pain, but from everything that is weighing you down. The word contrite is defined as meaning: “Feeling or expressing remorse or penitence; affected by guilt.” That expression of remorse is called REPENTANCE. The Webster’s 1828, which is the standard for any serious student, says contrite is defined as: “Literally, worn or bruised. Hence, brokenhearted for sin; deeply affected with grief and sorrow for having offended God; humble; penitent; as a contrite sinner.” While words may be used differently, that should never take away the true meaning they have, because words have power.
The words of this verse have power and they cut to the heart. They SCREAM into your brokeness, your pain, your guilt, shame, self-doubt, self-loathing, into whatever burdens sin has caused you to be ensnared by, and these words say “I the Lord am near to the broken hearted”. God is near to the brokenhearted for two reasons, in my opinion. Number one, God cares about all your hurts and needs. Number two, and most importantly, God is near to the brokenhearted because when you are broken you are no longer puffed up with pride and you are able to see your own pain, brokenness, and limitations. When you can see that it is a very short step to conviction of sin or to a contrite heart. God wants you to have a contrite heart because it causes you to be lead by that guilt or remorse into a repentant state wherein you pour the brokenness and sin out of your heart and allow God to pour Himself in. Salvation is a work of God; even repentance itself is a work of God in you. Allow the brokenness to shatter the darkness of your heart, the human heart condition and blood disease we call sin. Allow the brokenness to bring you to your knees and be real with God. You do not have to find God, He is right there with you; He has never been lost, it is we who have been lost. Cry out to God in recognition that it is He who, like a good shepherd, has left the ninety-nine and has come to find YOU, the sheep that has gone astray. Do not allow pride to get in your way. We all like sheep have gone astray the Bible says. None of us are righteous, no not one.
The Bible tells us a lot about salvation, but here is all you truly need to know to begin your walk with Christ today. We need to recognize the sin in our life, and turn from it. Literally tell God your sin and ask Him to take it away. He will.
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (Romans 10:9-10 KJV)
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13 KJV)
Just cry out to God. You could say something like this:
Father, forgive me of my sin. I ask that You come into my heart and save me. Cleanse me of the wickedness and corruption and power sin has over me. Free me by the blood of Jesus which was poured out for me. I confess that Jesus is Lord and I believe that You raised Him from the dead that I might die with Christ and have new life through Him. Pour out Your Spirit into my heart; take me and remake me as You have always wanted me to be. Jesus, be my Lord and Savior. In Jesus’s PRECIOUS name I pray, Amen!
Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you SHALL be saved.
Are you broken, hurting, in pain, feeling lost, depressed, guilty, or dealing with shame and regret? The answer is a relationship with Christ. If you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, dive deeper into the Word and allow it to perform the necessary surgery in you! If you do not know Jesus, now is the time! Why cling to the sufferings and brokeness of this present age when you can have FREEDOM, HEALING, and RESTORATION now and everlasting life in Christ?
Father, I praise Your MIGHTY name, and I ask that You speak to the hearts of the broken today. Lord, I know what it is like to spend years, even more than a decade, broken physically and sometimes mentally and emotionally. However, Father, the worst is when we are spiritually broken. It is worse because it often brings the other forms of brokenness with it and because it leads to so much pain and condemnation, both here on earth and after we die. The biggest reason, Father, that spiritual brokenness is the worst is because You are right there the whole time, reaching out, speaking through even creation itself testifying that You are God and You want to deliver us. Spiritual brokeness is the worst because the consequences are eternal and the solution is so simple yet some refuse to just believe in You. The answer is simply faith in Christ and Christ alone. Heal the brokenhearted who come to You today by faith in Christ and empower them to do so. I thank You, Lord, for all things that You do. Bless us in Jesus’ precious and Holy name I pray, Amen.
If you have asked Christ into your heart today, reach out and let us know so we can encourage you.
Blessings in Christ, Rev. Christopher B. Cain Minister of Evangelism and Discipleship ALIVE Ministries USA
Contact us by messaging us using the Facebook page ‘send message’ button, at aliveministriesusa@gmail.com, on Twitter (@alive_usa) or on Instagram (@aliveministriesusa).
“I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2 (ESV)
When you get a flat tire or your car breaks down on the interstate, you call a tow truck or roadside assistance to help you. Now, what if you just lost your job? Your spouse? Experienced the death of a loved one? Sure, you can pick up the phone and call a trusted friend, another relative, a counselor or pastor, but even the best advice that they can offer pales to the healing you could receive. To receive this healing, peace, and comfort, we must turn to God, our Creator, in times of great turmoil and stress; for only He can truly offer everlasting help.
Do you need that kind of today? We would love to help join you in prayer, please reach out to us in any of the ways listed below, or join our livestream tonight on FB at 9:00pm EST.
Jessica Ford Communications Director ALIVE Ministries USA
Contact us by messaging us using the Facebook page ‘send message’ button, at aliveministriesusa@gmail.com, on Twitter (@alive_usa) or on Instagram (@aliveministriesusa).