Alive Ministries USA 2024-2025 Newsletter

Alive Ministries USA





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Alive Ministries USA, Annual Newsletter

Our Mission

Our Mission is to effectively carry out the Great Commision found in Matthew 28:18-20 of Preaching the Gospel and making disciples of Jesus Christ. To accomplish this we must recognize the need to make and train disciples. 2 Timothy 2:2 NKJV says, And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

Rev. Christopher B. Cain I am the co-founder, along with my wife, Elizabeth J. Cain, as well as the Minister of Evangelism and Discipleship. In reality God is the founder, we cannot lay any foundation as He has already done so, it is up to us to build upon that foundation and that is what we are trying to do. One of my personal ministry highlights is the continued work the Lord is doing in my own life, and right here in my own hometown. I have been active in our local church, United Baptist Church of Littleton, as a Sunday School teacher, Men’s Group Leader, Leader of our Evangelism Class and as a Deacon. God is really using the men and women of our class to minister to each other as well as to the church and community. I find that your deepest growth always comes from small groups. I have been blessed to have been able to take part in a wonderful men’s group as well that is helping each of us grow into the men God desires us to be. The Bible is clear about the importance of fellowship in the local body of believers, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25 (KJV) 
My wife, Elizabeth J. Cain, is my support and encourager. She is our Co-Founder, Photographer, and Videographer, and has taken many of the photos that have been posted with the devotionals I have written. Elizabeth is a great support to me as I often take on many things at once, and she helps me to keep it all balanced. It is great to see my wife being willing to overcome her limitations and surrender herself to the cause of Christ. Elizabeth is proof that our Spiritual impact is not determined by our anxiety or our past, but by our GOOD and Righteous Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
My sister, Jessica J. Ford ,has continued to serve in a much needed and indispensable role as my Editor, Confidant, and Communications Director. Just as Elizabeth, she demonstrates the impact God can have in our lives when we seek true submission to God. Jessica also has taken on an increasingly active role in her church as a greeter, a prayer warrior, and just plain helping wherever she is needed. Jessica is proof that just because you may be physically limited at times, does not mean you are spiritually limited in any way. It is God who determines our impact, not our health.
My brother-in-law, John Ford, is the most recent addition to our team since our last newsletter. John helped us out with Guest Hosting our ALIVE-Stream when needed and also Photography, Prayer, and plans to help us with much needed Video Editing. John has been on Short term Missions, assists his Church with Security, Sound Board, and Tech skills which he greatly enjoys. John has a real heart for prayer and for God’s people. We are glad to welcome John to our family and to the Ministry and appreciate his desire to serve our Lord and Savior.


Thank you for partnering with us here at Alive Ministries USA, as our work would not be possible without your prayers and support. This is our fourth official newsletter, and I am glad that you can be a part of it. These past four years have been an amazing time for us here at Alive Ministries USA. We see God using us in so many ways that it is hard to pick the highlights. In this newsletter, I will share some of those highlights and some plans for the future with you, including some very exciting news concerning our upcoming trip in February to the Dominican Republic, but more on that later.  

2024-25 Highlights

Christopher Stoddard’s Cancer Diagnosis and Update

Many of you are already aware that our oldest son, Chris, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma early last summer. Chris had what we thought would be his last treatment on January 14, 2025. Chris had 12 treatments of Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy scheduled. Half-way through his treatment cycle he had a Pet Scan which revealed that his cancer was in remission. NO TRACE OF CANCER!!! This is without a doubt a tribute to the power of prayer, and the sovereign hand of God at work in Chris’s life and we give all glory and honor to the Lord for his healing. Chris has dealt with some effects of the Chemo, but overall he is doing well. As I mentioned, Chris was to have his last treatment on January 14, 2025. After meeting with his oncologist, it was determined that he did not have to take the final treatment. Chris had the results of his latest Pet scan revealed to him on January 14th, and that result was NO CANCER!!! Praise Jesus!!! Thank you to all who prayed for his healing. I know God allowed this for some purpose, and it is obvious to many that Chris was healed. Chris could use continued prayer as he moves on from this and deals with the after effects of Chemo. We serve the Risen Savior, and nothing is impossible with Christ Jesus our Lord by our side. I am continually amazed at the power of prayer.

Podcast Ministry

We have begun to step into Podcasting as it is one of the best ways to share the Gospel in the 21st Century. You can now find us on Spotify, Amazon and iTunes, and also at Castos. Simply search Alive Ministries USA. Are you interested in being on a podcast? If you would like to join us for a podcast EMail us at Podcasts allow me an additional way to distribute the content of my Biblical Commentary newspaper articles and sermons.

Wisconsin Christian News 

I have been blessed to contribute a regular article for Wisconsin Christian News for the last several years. I want to take a moment and thank Rob Pue of Wisconsin Christian News, who tirelessly labours for the Gospel of Christ by sharing God’s Word through one of the Largest Christian Newspapers of it’s kind. Since I began to write, Rob has been able to launch Wisconsin Christian News TV and he has been able to distribute papers across the United States, and as far as Scotland and the United Kingdom. I have now submitted dozens of articles ranging in a wide variety of topics yet all based on Biblical commentary and issues that affect the believer. You can find my monthly column in the paper or under Biblical Commentary at

Bikers for Christ Motorcycle Ministry

In 2023 Elizabeth and I became  “Patched In” members of Bikers for Christ, Aroostook Chapter, an International Motorcycle Ministry. Along with my friend and Chapter Elder, Roger Skelton, my wife and I joined and we are now a recognized chapter of BFC. 

Greater Houlton Christian Academy

This year is my second year at Greater Houlton Christian Academy as the High School Bible Teacher. This year I took on the Bible department for the secondary to now include grades 7 to 12. I absolutely love teaching at GHCA and am blessed to be a part of the Academy. One of the biggest mission fields I could ever go to is this school. I recognize the gravity of the situation that I may be the last formal Bible teacher these students sit under. That sure is a huge task, and I seek God’s direction in fulfilling that role. I want to thank my friend and Headmaster, Rob Albers, for giving me the chance to do this. Also my finest cousin, James Watson, who had been trying to get me in the school for several years. Thank you also to the GHCA board members and staff for being such a blessing to me. This position is part time and is something I can do with my limitations. It has been a huge blessing thus far!

Living Waters 

Elizabeth and I had the pleasure of spending our summer at Living Waters Bible Camp. I remember many years of attending Living Waters as a camper. Elizabeth and I served as the staff in charge for the weekend to help give a much needed break to our Director Dave Morad and his wife Esther. I also served as the campus pastor for the staff. Elizabeth and I made many friends and connections and look forward to volunteering again. What was amazing is the way the Lord worked everything out. Several of the students I teach at GHCA served along with us for the summer which was a great way to get to know them better and have many good Bible discussions with them and the other wonderful friends we made this year.

Pregnancy Care Center

For a couple years now Elizabeth has volunteered at the local pregnancy care center. She helps organize and prepare distributions of the things needed by mothers. It has been a good way for her to raise awareness to the great work and the need for ministries which can provide support and counseling to mothers and families who wish to keep their children rather than abort them. 

CEF Ministry 

Elizabeth has also begun volunteering with Child Evangelism Fellowship, which is a ministry that holds afterschool Bible programs in the public schools. This has been a good opportunity for her to be able to share the Gospel with the children in our area. Elizabeth has been involved in children’s ministry since she was a child.

Personal Ministry

This is what makes up the bulk of what we do, whether it be in street ministry, one on one ministry, ministering to couples or families, or supporting other ministers in prayer and encouraging them. Personal ministry is to me where the real connections are made. Many of these encounters have dealt with empowering people to fully surrender to God, to overcome struggles and addictions by relying on Christ, and calling them to a deeper appreciation for the Word of God by challenging them to read the Bible daily. 

I had the blessing of speaking at several different churches this past year, and am speaking at several different churches this January 2025 about our February 2025 Mission trip to Colegio Moriah.

I have had the Blessing to go to the Dominican Republic with my wife and Church Mission team in February 2020, March 2022 and February 2024. One amazing opportunity we have had is the privilege of taking the senior class to the Dominican. I took the 2023-2024 graduating class and am now taking the 2024-2025 Seniors. We are raising funds to go again this February 2025. 

Again this year, I have challenged several people and couples to read God’s Word daily for 30 days and to access the change in their lives after the thirty days. I have found that in a month, the changes that can occur leave the people forever changed in such a way that I do not need to convince them to keep reading as they do that all by themselves. I would challenge you to do the same, and in addition begin to write down the things you are thankful for; you will soon find that even the worst situation and attitude can be overcome by the gratitude that comes from knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

I challenged our church, and a couple of the churches I have spoken at to read the Bible completely through in one year. Some of us are doing it for the second time as a church.

In addition, I have challenged many, and will challenge you, with a challenge my wife gave me: Begin to write down your prayer requests and as they are answered write down how they were answered and when. Periodically review how God has answered your prayers to keep a fresh perspective of how God is actually working in your life. Elizabeth really was blessed to work with the students at Colegio Moriah in the Dominican with some very special Art Projects she had brought with her on the trip. God surely led us outside of our comfort zones and He alone brought the increase!

Tent Revival

This year we were absolutely blessed, excited, and honored to host the second annual Southern Aroostook tent revival on our property in August. We had a week of amazing services which included some great speakers from this area and some from away. Elizabeth and I enjoyed hosting, and I enjoyed speaking. A special thanks to Evangelist James Blodgett for providing the tent and speaking, and leading worship. We also want to thank Pastor Brantley Emerick, and Jeremy Hiltz, who spoke along with myself.. Thanks to Jamie Watson, Ada Holmchuck for providing music. Thanks to everyone from United Baptist Church of Littleton for setting up the tent, the chairs and all the things necessary for making it possible. 

2025 and Ongoing Goals

Grow the Bikers for Christ Aroostook Chapter

FInish our two year School of Biblical Evangelism Class

Continue Biblical commentary articles.

Revisit Live Streaming as and when God directs.

Grow our Podcasting Ministry.

The February 2025 trip to Colegio Moriah in the Dominican Republic:

As part of a fourteen person mission team from our local Church and those joining us from Greater Houlton Christian Academy, I will be leading our team on a short term mission trip to the Dominican Republic. We will be going to Colegio Moriah, which is a school that our church, and our Pastor Steve Straubel, have been associated with for several years now. Colegio Moriah is where we went in the Dominican in February 2020, in March 2022, and February of 2024. Colegio Moriah ministers to Haitian Refugees who have been displaced and are living in the Dominican Republic. There is deep distrust among the two nationalities which share the same island as their home. For Haitians who are living in the DR, they face abuse, exploitation, and difficult living and working conditions with very few, if any, rights. You can learn more about the school, which started in the street as a chicken wire and tarped structure, that has grown into a facility of its very own surrounded by concrete walls and has about four hundred students, by visiting their website at: 

You can also follow us, and the progress of our journey in the Dominican on our social media platforms, specifically on and Facebook at

One reason for writing this newsletter is to inform you of what we have been and are doing. The other reason is that in order to make the trip to the Dominican Republic possible, we have to reach out and ask for support. When the opportunity arose I immediately said yes to going on this trip. Truthfully, I do not like to be a burden, though I realize in not asking I would be more of a burden by preventing you from the blessing of partnering with us to help these children and adult refugees

We know God can and will provide. He provided thru His Faithful Children the entire cost of our last three trips to the Dominican and we know we are needed there now and He WILL make a way. Will you be part of that with us? Praise God because we have raised enough to cover our plane tickets and bus tickets. We each have a total of $1700 to raise that covers our meals, wages for our cooks and housekeepers who tend to us, and most importantly, groceries that we deliver to the local communities, and the biggest items which are lumber for projects and concrete for building an addition on the school. While there we fill any other needs with remaining funds. Two years ago we were able to pay up-front doctors fees for a woman who was in desperate need of care. God is good! We know that this is a difficult time of year for most everyone, and we would not ask if we did not have a need. If you can support us in this trip, we would greatly appreciate it. If you cannot support us financially, that is totally understandable, though we would ask that you support us and the mission team in prayer. There is a lot of spiritual darkness where we are going and we will need your prayers just as much, perhaps more so, than the financial support.

Support and Donations for us can be sent by check with our names in the memo along with DR trip made out to the “United Baptist Church of Littleton” at the following address: 

Christopher and Elizabeth Cain


Vickey Tilley Financial Secretary, 

PO Box 557 Houlton, ME 04730

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV)

Again, we thank you for all the sharing of our posts, your prayers, comments, support, and encouragement as we minister here at home and abroad. Please remember to like us on Facebook and follow the progress of our trip at

If you would like to see about booking me for a speaking engagement, please call me at 207-538-1545.

Blessings in Christ,

Rev. Christopher & Elizabeth Cain

Alive Ministries USA

ALIVE Ministries USA 2020-2021 Newsletter

Alive Ministries USA





Amazon @AliveMInistriesUSA Instagram AliveMinistriesUSA iTunes @AliveMinistriesUSA

Parler Alive Ministries USA Rumble @AliveMinistriesUSA Spotify @AliveMinistriesUSA 

Twitch @AliveMinistriesUSA Twitter @Alive_USA 

(207) 538-1545

Alive Ministries USA, Annual Newsletter

Our Mission

Our Mission is to effectively carry out the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20 of Preaching the Gospel and making disciples of Jesus Christ. 

The Team

Alive Ministries USA is comprised entirely of volunteers. Although we are disabled, God is still using us, and while we may have limitations the Lord does not. In our weakness His strength is made manifest. We hope that this encourages you to press forward and do what you can for God.

Rev. Christopher B. Cain I am the co-founder, along with my wife Elizabeth J. Cain, as well as the Minister of Evangelism and Discipleship. In reality God is the founder, we cannot lay any foundation as He has already done so, it is up to us to build upon that foundation and that is what we are trying to do. One of my personal ministry highlights is the continued work the Lord is doing in my own life, and right here in my own hometown. I have been active in our local church, United Baptist Church of Littleton, as a Sunday School teacher, Men’s Group Leader, and recently as a Deacon. God is really using the men and women of our class to minister to each other as well as to the church and community. I find that your deepest growth always comes from small groups. I have been blessed to have been able to take part in a wonderful men’s group as well that is helping each of us grow into the men God desires us to be. The Bible is clear about the importance of fellowship in the local body of believers, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25 (KJV)
My wife Elizabeth J. Cain is my support and my cheerleader. She is our Co-Founder, Photographer, and Videographer, and has taken many of the photos that have been posted with the devotionals I have written. Elizabeth also attends our Sunday School class, and the Lord has used her to rebuild a women’s group at our church. It has been some time since our church has had a women’s group, and many of the women expressed a need to have fellowship with each other again. It can be particularly difficult as mothers and wives to find the time to make this happen, and this is largely why we have been without a women’s group at our church. The Lord led her to take up the challenge of starting one again, and she is currently still in the process of allowing the Lord to build the group using her and the other women who attend. She has found that even when it was just her and one other lady, that God used that fellowship for a much needed time of spiritual growth. The lesson here is that it is never numbers that we should seek, but fellowship at the Lord’s direction. It is great to see my wife being willing to overcome her limitations and surrender herself to the cause of Christ. Elizabeth is proof that our Spiritual impact is not determined by our anxiety or our past, but by our GOOD and Righteous Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
My sister Jessica J. Ford has continued to serve in a much needed and indispensable role as my Editor, Confidant, and Communications Director. Just as Elizabeth, she demonstrates the impact God can have in our lives when we seek true submission to God. Jessica also has taken on an increasingly active role in her church as a greeter, a prayer warrior, and just plain helping wherever she is needed. Jessica is proof that just because you may be physically limited at times, does not mean you are spiritually limited in any way. It is God who determines our impact, not our health.
My brother-in-law John Ford is the most recent addition to our team since our last newsletter. John helps us out with Guest Hosting our ALIVE-Stream when needed and also Photography, Prayer, and plans to help us with much needed Video Editing. John has been on Short term Missions, assists his Church with Security and Sound Board and Tech skills which he greatly enjoys. John has a real heart for prayer and for God’s people. We are glad to welcome John to our family and to the Ministry and appreciate his desire to serve our Lord and Savior.


Thank you for partnering with us here at Alive Ministries USA, as our work would not be possible without your prayers and support. This is our second official newsletter, and I am glad that you can be a part of it. These past two years have been an amazing time for us here at Alive Ministries USA. We see God using us in so many ways that it is hard to pick the highlights. In this newsletter, I will share some of those highlights and some plans for the future with you, including some very exciting news concerning our upcoming trip in March 2022 to the Dominican Republic, but more on that later.  

2020-21 Highlights

I am very happy to report since our last newsletter that we finally have the ministry website up and running. You can visit us over on the ministry website for articles, devotions, vidoes, “Thought of the Day” by Jessica Ford, also check out Sermons, Podcasting, some original Instrumentals written by Rev. Christopher B. Cain and our weekly program the ALIVE-Stream which can be also found on Facebook, Twitch and Youtube. Thank you to those that encouraged and believed in us to get the website off the ground. Special thanks to those who prayerfully supported us in the endeavor. 

ALIVE-Stream Live Prayer and Bible Study

Join us each weeknight, except Wednesday, at 8:00 PM EST during the winter months and 9:00 PM EST the rest of the year. We have studied several books on the program since its launch during the early days of the pandemic. We started out streaming to Facebook on a cell phone just taking prayer and sharing encouraging scriptures because of the fear and uncertainty in the world during the early days of the pandemic. Since making the switch to streaming on multiple platforms, called MultiStreaming, we have upgraded to a nice laptop which allows us to do so much more with the program including using virtual backgrounds and screen sharing during the broadcast. Special thanks to those who made that happen. We take live prayer requests for the first half of the show and study the Bible for the second half. Books we have studied include: the Gospel of John, Romans, Revelation, Galatians, Jeremiah, Ephesians and Proverbs. We have had nights with a half a dozen viewers to nights with over ten thousand views. It is not about the number, it is about the faithful. Those who faithfully tune in, are in our view, part of this ministry.

Podcast Ministry

We have begun to step into Podcasting as it is one of the best ways to share the Gospel in the 21st Century. You can now find us on Spotify, Amazon and iTunes, and also at Castos. Simply search Alive Ministries USA. Are you interested in being on a podcast? If you would like to join us for a podcast EMail us at

Real Dark News

I have had another opportunity to write since our last Newsletter. I am blessed to have the opportunity to partner with Thru the Black and their site I would like to thank Tom, Katie and Jared for all they do. Real Dark News focuses on some of the darker subjects that remain unspoken of in most spheres of the Church. I appreciate their willingness to talk about this, because I believe Silence provides cover for further opportunities for such wicked actions and behaviors as Abortion, Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking and Ritual Occultic practices. While it may seem foreign to some in the Church, the Bible sweeps nothing under the rug and nor should we. The Bible is abundantly clear in Ephesians 6, and elsewhere, that we are in a Spiritual War. I submit Biblical Commentary to Real Dark News and am thankful for the outlet to write and contribute to their site.

Fort Fairfield Journal 

In addition to writing for the Wisconsin Christian News, and RealDarkNews,com I also volunteer periodically with the last paper that is both published and printed in Aroostook County Maine where I live, The Fort Fairfield Journal. This affords me the opportunity to address local and national issues from a biblical perspective while honing my skills as a writer. I have been able to address biblical issues as well as political issues that affect the believer.

Wisconsin Christian News 

I have been blessed to contribute a regular article for Wisconsin Christian News for the last several years. I want to take a moment and thank Rob Pue of Wisconsin Christian News, who tirelessly labours for the Gospel of Christ by sharing God’s Word through one of the Largest Christian Newspapers of it’s kind. Since I began to write, Rob has been able to launch Wisconsin Christian News TV and he has been able to distribute papers across the United States, and as far as Scotland and the United Kingdom. I have now submitted dozens of articles ranging in a wide variety of topics yet all based on Biblical commentary and issues that affect the believer. You can find my monthly column on Page 10 of the paper or under Biblical Commentary at

Personal Ministry 

This is what makes up the bulk of what we do, whether it be in street ministry, one on one ministry, ministering to couples or families, or supporting other ministers in prayer and encouraging them. Personal ministry is to me where the real connections are made. Many of these encounters have dealt with empowering people to fully surrender to God, to overcome struggles and addictions by relying on Christ, and calling them to a deeper appreciation for the Word of God by challenging them to read the Bible daily. 

God opened doors in 2020 to allow me to Street Preach in Monument Square in Portland Maine twice. It was an amazing opportunity which was being broadcast to multiple countries in Africa unbeknownst to me. My opening words were “all over the world”!!! How is that for God  ordaining things? I went there to minister to those on the street and encountered a local ministry who gave me the opportunity to speak. I was later invited back and got to street preach again! 

I have had the Blessing to go to the Dominican Republic with my wife and Church Mission team in February 2020, and also we are planning and raising funds to go again this March 2022. I was blessed to teach English in the School with my good friend Gaby Ostin. Gaby and I have stayed in touch over these past two years and have developed a great friendship. He is truly a brother in Christ. The picture you see on the newsletter is Gaby and I giving a talk to some young boys from the school. Gaby was my translator and the boys were raising their hands in answer to the question: “how many just prayed for Christ to be their Savior for the very first time?” About one dozen young boys accepted Christ during that talk Gaby and I had with them. It is one of my most treasured things from the trip. I also spoke at Molinito Bateye which is a small village right in the middle of a sugarcane field. During that sermon which can be seen on our YouTube Channel one girl came to Christ, and I prayed for a young boy named William, who was badly injured in a harvesting accident. I was also blessed to pray for two adults. I look forward to seeing them this time. A very special thanks to Fortune who was very patiently my translator. The message I planned to be fifteen minutes took over an hour working with the translator Fortune, who was so patient but praise God, a young girl was saved that evening. Thank you also to the patient Missions team who supported me that night. 

Again this year, I have challenged several people and couples to read God’s Word daily for 30 days and to access the change in their lives after the thirty days. I have found that in a month, the changes that can occur leave the people forever changed in such a way that I do not need to convince them to keep reading as they do that all by themselves. I would challenge you to do the same, and in addition begin to write down the things you are thankful for; you will soon find that even the worst situation and attitude can be overcome by the gratitude that comes from knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

In addition, I have challenged many, and will challenge you, with a challenge my wife gave me: Begin to write down your prayer requests and as they are answered write down how they were answered and when. Periodically review how God has answered your prayers to keep a fresh perspective of how God is actually working in your life. Elizabeth really was blessed to work with the students at Colegio Moriah in the Dominican with some very special Art Projects she had brought with her on the trip. God surely led us outside of our comfort zones and He alone brought the increase!

2022 and Ongoing Goals

Continue our daily postings on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter while adding the postings to our own website.

Continue Biblical commentary articles.

Continue the ALIVE-Stream as God directs.

Grow our Podcasting Ministry.

The March 2022 trip to Colegio Moriah in the Dominican Republic:

As part of a seven person mission team from our local Church, Elizabeth and I will be joining our Pastor and other members of our church on a short term mission trip to the Dominican Republic. We will be going to Colegio Moriah, which is a school that our church, and our Pastor Steve Straubel, have been associated with for several years now. Colegio Moriah is where we went in the Dominican in February 2020. Colegio Moriah ministers to Haitian Refugees who have been displaced and are living in the Dominican Republic. There is deep distrust among the two nationalities which share the same island as their home. For Haitians who are living in the DR, they face abuse, exploitation, and difficult living and working conditions with very few, if any, rights. You can learn more about the school, which started in the street as a chicken wire and tarped structure and has now grown into a facility of its very own surrounded by concrete walls and it has about four hundred students, by visiting their website at: 

You can also follow us, and the progress of our journey in the Dominican on our social media platforms, specifically on and Facebook at

One reason for writing this newsletter is to inform you of what we have been and are doing. The other reason is that in order to make the trip to the Dominican Republic possible, we have to reach out and ask for support. When the opportunity arose I immediately said yes to going on this trip. I have not been able to work since 2004 because of a severe construction accident that left me disabled after being hit in the back by nearly 2000 pounds of steel reinforcement bar on a construction site. Truthfully, I do not like to be a burden, though I realize in not asking I would be more of a burden by preventing you from the blessing of partnering with us to help these children and adult refugees

We know God can and will provide. He provided thru His Faithful Children the entire cost of our last trip to the Dominican and we know we are needed there now and He WILL make a way. Will you be part of that with us? Praise God because of some faithful people our plane and bus tickets have been paid for and we now only need to raise around $1100 each for Elizabeth and I. We have a total amount we need to raise for the trip portion of $2,200. This does not include additional expenses such as special supplies we need for the trip, spending money, etc. We know that this is a difficult time of year for most everyone, and we would not ask if we did not have a need. If you can support us in this trip, we would greatly appreciate it. If you cannot support us financially, that is totally understandable, though we would ask that you support us and the mission team in prayer. There is a lot of spiritual darkness where we are going and we will need your prayers just as much, perhaps more so, than the financial support.

Support and Donations for us can be sent by check with our names in the memo along with DR trip made out to the “Littleton Baptist Church” at the following address: 

Christopher and Elizabeth Cain


Treasurer Amanda Schools

PO Box 61

Monticello Maine 04760

Or Donate Electronically at PayPal please include our names and that it is for the DR trip in the optional note space which is provided: 

Example Chris and Elizabeth Cain DR TRIP

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV)

Again, we thank you for all the sharing of our posts, your prayers, comments, support, and encouragement as we minister here at home and abroad. Please remember to like us on Facebook and follow the progress of our trip at

If you would like to see about booking me for a speaking engagement, please call me at 207-538-1545.


Rev. Christopher & Elizabeth Cain

Alive Ministries USA