Thought of the Day 12/30/2020
“But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” Matthew 5:44 (ESV)
This is probably one of those passages we read quickly or skip over entirely, because it is not in our human nature to want to love our enemies or pray for those who hurt us. In fact, love and prayer are usually the furthest thing from our minds when we encounter hateful and hurtful people. However, they are exactly how Jesus instructs us to respond to such people. Easier said than done, right? Don’t worry, you are not alone in this struggle. Understand that loving your enemy does not mean condoning their behavior. That is why we are called to also pray for them; that through Christ’s love reflected through us, and our prayer for their hearts to be changed, the Holy Spirit might move in their lives. Jesus said the greatest commandment was to love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37); He also said the second was like it in that we should love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). We would do well to remember that even those we would consider an “enemy” or those who treat us poorly are still our neighbor and we are commanded to love them.
Jessica Ford
Communications Director
Alive Ministries USA
Join our “Alive-Stream” Monday – Friday at 9:00EST (9:30 on Wednesday) on FB (Alive Ministries) or YouTube (Christopher B. Cain if Alive Ministries USA) for a time of prayer requests and study of the Word.
Contact us by messaging us using the Facebook page ‘send message’ button (, at, on Twitter (@alive_usa) or on Instagram (@aliveministriesusa).
Thought of the Day 12/29/2020
“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant” 1 Corinthians 13:4 (ESV)
How often have you heard the phrase from someone within the church: “Show [or correct/teach] them in love.” What does that truly look like though? More often than not it comes across to the lost person we are trying to reach as a “holier than thou” type of attitude. If we truly want to display love it needs to be the kind of love Paul writes to the church in Corinth about here in this verse. We must be patient with others. We must above all else be kind to them. We need to take great effort to ensure that we never come across as “better than” or arrogant. It is when we encompass these characteristics that we can truly “show them in love”.
Jessica Ford
Communications Director
Alive Ministries USA
Join our “Alive-Stream” Monday – Friday at 9:00EST (9:30 on Wednesday) on FB ( or YouTube (Christopher B. Cain if Alive Ministries USA) for a time of prayer requests and study of the Word.
Contact us by messaging us using the Facebook page ‘send message’ button, at, on Twitter (@alive_usa) or on Instagram (@aliveministriesusa).
ALIVE-Stream December 29, 2020
Show Time Update
We will begin the change from the 9PM EST show to 8PM EST, next week January 4th to the 8th. We will try for one week to see if this time change works for us.
Thought of the Day December 28, 2020
Thought of the Day
December 28, 2020
“I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4 (ESV)
David says here in this Psalm that he “sought the Lord”. This is not merely looking left, right, up, or down to find God; rather, David earnestly fell before the Lord in complete and faithful surrender. He trusted that the Lord had not only the ability to deliver him from the fears he experienced, but the love and desire for David to see that he had help in his hour of need. This is not to say that at every twist and turn of life we as Christians can expect to have God save us from pain and trouble, but to say that God will meet us there and see us through. Though the fear that David had is not specifically mentioned here, how many of us can relate to that emotion right now? No matter if it be fear of the pandemic, wondering about our next paycheck or whether there will be enough food for our family or money to buy needed medications, fear of the political changes and division in this country, or fear over a myriad of other diseases that affect our loved ones or ourselves. There is certainly much to fear in this broken world. However, if we, like David, turn to the Lord and sincerely trust in Him to be our all in all, we can find peace and deliverance from all our fears. What fear is most weighing on you today? Will you turn to Him and trust it in His hands?
Jessica Cain
Communications Director
Alive Ministries USA
Join our “Alive-Stream” Monday – Friday at 9:00EST (9:30 on Wednesday) on FB (Alive Ministries) or YouTube (Christopher B. Cain if Alive Ministries USA) for a time of prayer requests and study of the Word.
Contact us by messaging us using the Facebook page ‘send message’ button, at, on Twitter (@alive_usa) or on Instagram (@aliveministriesusa).