ALIVE-STREAM November 17, 2020

Join us tonight at 9PM EST for a time of #Prayer & #BIBLE as we lift one another up in the #PowerofPrayer & in the #Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Join us each weeknight at 9PM EST, Wednesday’s at 9:30, for a time of live prayer and Scripture. #YouGotBible

Let Christ Exalt You in Due Time

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you.” 1 Peter 5:6 ESV

Let’s be honest, too many of us want to exalt ourselves or we know some who do. If we say we have no issue with pride, we likely have an issue with lying. If we did not suffer with pride how would we explain the litany of sins in our life and in the lives of those who surround us. Pride permeates ever member of society in varying degrees. Some are delivered of past pride, some engage in current pride, some are bitter due to past pride of others or themselves, but all of us face the trap of slipping into the sin of pride like the pit that it is. We must guard against pride in our lives least we become like the devil whose pride caused him to fall.

Maybe the reason Christ tells us the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven must be least on earth is not merely a law governing the position of the Saints in the Kingdom of Heaven, but a principle of protection from pride. Elevating ones own self never results in a good end. Even if you elevate yourself and achieve the title, status, riches, power or posessions you seek to achieve it comes at a cost you cannot bear. Why do you think there is such distinction and debauchery among most of the worlds rich and powerful? The elevation of ones self initiates the pitfalls of pride, which results in levels of sin that one could never have expected. The darkness of the heart that pride ushers in places blinders on the heart of man as well as on our eyes. We wickedly and wrongly think we are owed something in this life and we justify stepping on and stepping over others to achieve that which we think we are owed. If we are owed it in the first place why must we achieve it? Shouldn’t that be an indicator that we are not truly owed something if we have to step on others and exalt ourselves to posses it? If you want to be truly exalted surrender to Christ, for then it will not be you that is exalted but Christ in you for His Glory and Honor.

I would be remiss if I did not mention those in ministry here for the sake of reproof, correction, and edification as Scripture commands. To those in ministry, including myself, take heed that the position of influence is not misused. Some misuse their position for power and influence. Others misuse their influence for wealth and prosperity. Still others neglect their influence all together, as though they have a right to forsake the gift and calling to which God has called and gifted them with. I know there are times I could and should study a little harder for the benefit of those I have influence of as well as with my own walk with the Lord. If you cannot see some error in your life and in your ministry, even if it is that you have failed to pray enough then you likely are so blinded by pride you have no business in ministry. Some exhalt themselves to positions they were never intended to fill, perhaps this is why they exibit so much rampant carnality. Maybe it is a marker that God did not call them, rather than a falling of God to lead a man of God called for true purpose. I believe whole heartedly God will direct a true man of God, but that does not excuse us of recognizing we need not exalt ourselves. If God has called us for a purpose He will fulfil that purpose in our lives, He will exalt us at the proper time. 

Take heed lest you fall brothers and sisters, let God exalt you when the time is right. He did not make a mistake, He has not forgotten about you.

Father, in the MIGHTY Name of Jesus I pray that we would see the areas of our life where pride has control, that we might surrender them to You. Lord, let us humble ourselves before You! Teach us to walk in humility and service to Christ and to our fellow man for the Glory and Honor of Jesus our Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Rev. Christopher B. Cain
Minister of Evangelism and Discipleship
Alive Ministries USA

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